Benefits of timber frames and trusses

The truss is a construction invention that enables the roof weight to be evenly distributed to the exterior walls for enhanced support. A truss is usually triangularly shaped or composed of many triangles. This shape provides the building better support and enables the builder to use lesser materials to achieve the same result. Quick Installation The first advantage of a timber frames and trusses is that it can be installed cost-effectively and quickly, even without using heavy equipment to place it. Many of timber frames and trusses are factory built and can be delivered to the site as one structure set. The truss is conventionally leveraged on top of the wall. It is then slid into position before being pivoted upright and fastened in place. Increased Span Another unique property of a triangular object is that it allows trusses to span across wider distances. A roof with square sides tend to twist and shift, a triangular roof maintains shape, prevents s...